Friday, 26 December 2014

Games Britannia : Joystick Generation

This week saw us watch the third and final part of the Games Britannia mini series narrated by Benjamin Woolley. This part was very much based around the rise of video games consoles and the games which were developed in the following years. notably the games which had caused the most outrage. For example games like Carmageddon
which saw the players goal to complete races with bonuses awarded to running over as many people as possible. the game at the time was so controversial that it was censored, replacing humans with zombies and blood with oil slicks. In an attempt to gain attention to the game, the developers sought after an 18 certificate rating from the BBFC, something which wasent needed due to the fact the game included no video. This application however, was blocked and turned down, and it took a further year for the original game to be reinstated with the uncensored version available the public, not before it had gained world wide attention. Another game which to this day still causes people to blame violent video games on real world crimes is that of GTA. GTA was born up in Scotland by devs DMA Design in (Again) 1997, it allowed players to Free roam the map doing missions such as robbing banks and hits on drug barons. DMA took no liberties with the game allowing the player to be involved in reckless murders on police, civilians, car jackings. Not limiting the player as to what they could do was one of the many reasons the game became this hit with gamers, it is this formula that has made every GTA since a big success, and one of the biggest selling games, it is without it critics though, as some believe its just a murder simulator with there being many new additions of GTA 4 such as the ability to drink drive. Many times have RockStar been taken to court over the series from people like lawyer Jack Thompson and groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) whom have attempted to raise the game age required to play 18+ rather than the 17+ of some of the older games. I don't hold the view that from the actions of a very few amount of people that games such as GTA should be banned, for the 99% of us its just a game to play with your mates and it ends in that..

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

La decima vittima

The 10th Victim.jpg
The Film La decima vittima has to be one of the strangest films I've seen in a while, this had the effect of making the film generally quite funny, if not always intentional. this maybe due to the dubbing into English, as the original was in Italian. The basic plot of the film revolves around a game system in which victims must escape their assassins, various none important characters in the scene are killed in broad daylight since the game is within the confines of the law. this builds up to our main characters one of which is the victim (Marcello) and the assassin Ursula Andress. throughout the film they confront each other on many occasions in the attempt to successfully pull of the assassination. but since they spent so much time with each other they find the act of killing the other harder.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Iterating Ancient Games

Tweaking Ancient Games : Some of the oldest known games are still played while others are all but forgotten With some of those board games excavated like the royal game of Ur are over 4,500 years old, so it was about time they got some iterating, iterating games is a really good thing and it was what many tribes and people did to games who where not so familiar with the rule base, this created very localized versions of the game, but as games have rule sets attached to them this has diminished with the exception such as monopoly in which most family's have different rules for the bank and the free parking squares, this is not bad thing and is seen more as diversity in game play. something which we did with many of the older games, messing around with the amount of game pieces and enlarging the game board are all sure fire whys of swapping up the dynamics of the game, for good or bad.

Monday, 1 December 2014

British Museum : Ancient Board Games

Royal Game of UrThere was allot of the Museum to do with  Ancient Board Games, we had started of the day with a specific tour of the these ancient games, including tafl the viking game, Chaupat, The Royal Game of Ur and many others. some of the games used dedicated wooden games table while some had been carved into the rock of town guard posts. in which guards would play a board game whilst working. It was really fascinating to look at some of these games and how they played, many of the games featured in he museum were the real original setup, while some were on loan to different museums around the world and had be replaced with copy's. The Museum like most days was extremely busy so we took leave and went round in smaller groups looking at the other exhibits. we had met up with another group later that day of whom had brought a tafl board game, we had then proceeded to play for several hours mixing up the game play mechanics, with for example the addition of extra players. Overall the day was interesting but very tiring.. but would definitely go again.