Monday, 13 October 2014


T.Castillo & J.Novak (2008) Game Development Essentials: Game Level Design. New York. Delmar.

Schell, J (2008) The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses, CRC Press, Florida

"The Definition of Play" (eds) Salen, K and Zimmerman E, The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play AnthologyMIT Press, Cambridge, pp 123-128 


  1. Hi Matt,

    Where there is scope for ambiguity over the city of publication -- and books published by the MIT Press in Cambridge are a great example -- it's good to provide some clarification by including the standard two-letter abbreviation for the American state, in this example, the abbreviation would be "MA".

    It isn't usual to give only the American state as the place though: if you check Schell again, you should be able to find the city, or may even find that the book has been published in more than one place (eg Burlington MA and London).

    Don't forget that the contribution to a book should cite the author of the contribution: here, that would be Roger Caillois, so add "Caillois, R." to your entry.

    You also need to add the year of publication and italicise the published title -- just as you have done with the other two entries.

  2. Hi Matt,

    Don't forget to update your bibliography with a journal entry located with the Summon search tool.
