Iterating Battleships:
Our task within Robs lecture was to play the well known game of Battleships, nearly everyone had played the game before, and so we pretty much all negated the need to read the rules.. so with a quick non-iterated game to become familiar with the mechanics again, we then began a process of iterating the game with our own ideas and mechanics to produce different play styles or Aesthetics.
My own ideas began with giving the 4 or so ships that the player was given, a set of specific cards that the player could use against the opponent, for example the largest ship or "BattleShip"
that you own had an ability to carpet bomb a complete row on the board, this produced a feeling of pleasure as it was possible to completely wipe out an enemy ship, but utter frustration on the other side,
this card however was a one time use only card due to its "OPness" this gave the game a boost in game speed if you became almost bored by the constant misses on your opponent, so doing a mass revealing of information on the board, even though its still an educated guess, helped along play making it more exciting.
The following were also used as bonus cards:
-Hospital Ship(Repairs a ship)
-A ship which could move 1 space
-A double fire shot card
(The feeling of using a BattleShip Bonus card"
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